Emergency & Restoration

System defence plan

System defence plan

System defence plan - Emergency & Restoration

Regulatory aspects

Each TSO shall submit a proposal for the Terms and conditions to act as defence service provider on a contractual basis to the relevant regulatory authority for approval.

Design of the system defence plan

Each TSO shall design a system defence plan by 31.12.2023

By 31 December 2023, each TSO shall design a system defence plan in consultation with relevant DSOs, SGUs, national regulatory authorities or other designated entities, neighbouring TSOs, and other TSOs in its synchronous area.

Implementation of the system defence plan

By 30 June 2024, each TSO shall implement those measures of its system defence plan that are to be implemented on the transmission system.

By 31 December 2023, each TSO shall notify the transmission connected DSOs of the measures, including the deadlines for implementation.

By 31 December 2023, each TSO shall notify the SGUs or the defence service providers directly connected to its transmission system of the measures that are to be implemented on their installations, including the deadlines for implementation.

Activation of the system defence plan by TSO in coordination with DSOs, SGUs, and with the defence service providers

Shall occur when the system is in an emergency state and there are no remedial actions available to restore the system to a normal state.

Shall occur when the operational security of the transmission system requires activation of a measure of the system defence plan in addition to the available remedial actions, based on the operational security analysis.

Restoration plan

Restoration plan

Restoration plan - Emergency & Restoration

Regulatory aspects

Each TSO shall submit a proposal for the Terms and conditions to act as restoration service provider on a contractual basis to the relevant regulatory authority for approval.

Design of the Restoration plan

By 31 December 2023, each TSO shall design a restoration plan in consultation with relevant DSOs, SGUs, national regulatory authorities, or other designated entities, neighbouring TSOs and the other TSOs in its synchronous area.

Implementation of the Restoration Plan

By 30 June 2024, each TSO shall implement those measures of its restoration plan that are to be implemented on the transmission system.

By 31 December 2023, each TSO shall notify the transmission connected DSOs of the measures, including the deadlines for implementation.

By 31 December 2023, each TSO shall notify the SGUs and restoration service providers directly connected to its transmission system of the measures that are to be implemented on their installations, including the deadlines for implementation.

Activation of the restoration plan by TSO in coordination with DSOs, SGUs, and the restoration service providers

Shall occur when the system is in an emergency state, once the system is stabilised following activation of the system defence plan.

Shall occur when the system is in a blackout state, as defined by the Guideline on Electricity Transmission System Operation.

Market interactions

Market interactions

Market interactions - Emergency & Restoration

Rules for suspension and restoration of market activities

By 31 December 2023, each TSO shall develop a proposal for rules concerning the suspension and restoration of market activities.

The TSO shall publish these rules on its website following their approval by the relevant regulatory authority.

When reporting on the level of harmonisation of the rules for suspension and restoration of market activities established by the TSOs and identifying, as appropriate, areas that require harmonisation, the ENTSO for Electricity shall extend this report to include the Contracting Parties.

Rules for temporary suspension of market activities, their restoration and settlement in case of suspension shall be adopted

By 30 June 2024, each TSO shall submit to ENTSO for Electricity the data required to prepare and submit the Report Assessing the Level of Harmonisation of the Rules for Suspension and Restoration of Market Activities.

Rules for settlement in case of suspension of market activities

By 31 December 2023, each TSO shall develop a proposal for rules for imbalance settlement, and settlement of balancing capacity and balancing energy, which shall be applicable for imbalance settlement periods during which market activities were suspended. The TSO may propose the same rules it applies for normal operations.

The TSO shall publish these rules on its website, following their approval by the relevant regulatory authority.



Compliance - Emergency & Restoration

Compliance testing of TSO, DSO, and SGU capabilities 

Each TSO shall periodically assess the proper functioning of all equipment and capabilities included in the system defence plan and the restoration plan.

By 30 June 2024, each TSO shall create a test plan in consultation with the DSOs, the SGUs, the defence service providers, and the restoration service providers. The test plan shall identify the equipment and capabilities relevant for the system defence plan and the restoration plan that have to be tested.

The test plan shall include the periodicity and conditions of the tests, including the requirements for:

TSOs shall periodically assess the proper functioning of all equipment and capabilities included in the system defence plan and the restoration plan
  • Compliance testing of power generating module capabilities;

  • Compliance testing of demand facilities providing demand-side response;

  • Compliance testing of HVDC capabilities;

  • Compliance testing of low frequency demand disconnection relays;

  • Testing of communication systems;

  • Testing of tools and facilities.